James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Country decision

Sorry for the delay in updating. We have been busy preparing all the paperwork to turn in for the Home Study.  Copies of a million things (even obtaining a credit report), making appointments (uh-oh, we have to get psych tested), questionnaires, fingerprinting, physcials and blood draws, 200 signatures, and check writing. Already there have been hoops to jump through but in the end we have gotten everything needed thus far done. Our social worker that will be completing the home study is Melissa. I think she was rather impressed that it only took me a week to get ALL that in and done. The ball is now in the third party's court (back ground check, DMV records, etc).  One unfortunate thing we found out is that because Bryce is over 18, he is included in many of the things Glenn and I have to do....and so we will be paying for some of those things we didn't expect (his fingerprints, blood draw, background check, etc.).

Well, despite not being prepared in my mind to make too many decisions already, we have made some important ones in the last week.
We decided on Uganda. We decided to pursue a waiting child.
I actually began writing the details and after a couple of paragraphs decided I'd better wait. I'm really not sure ethically what all I can talk about in a blog at this point so I need to confirm with the agency before saying too much more. I know that some things are sensitive to countries and they prefer certain details not be on the web. I will respect that and give you what I can as I learn what I can share.
What I can tell you is that our heart has lead us to a waiting child. That means she has qualified already as an orphan and is 'waiting' for a forever family- probably because she is older (listed at 3-4yrs but is possibly a bit older). She is listed in good health.  The exciting part is that it means that after our Dossier (the country app) has been approved, the referral will take place immediately and so the waiting time will be reduced (the referral waiting time is generally 2-6 months in Uganda). We are truly excited but guarding our hearts as well. In all likelihood, she will become ours, but only God knows if she is the little girl ultimately chosen for us to parent. We do know now, that if it doesn't work out, our child will be from Uganda. Once we chose to pursue her, that ruled out India because 1) this agency doesn't work with India and 2) you submit your Dossier to one country.  There is a little grieving in my mind. I really wanted India. But I really wanted Africa. I guess that means I would have been grieving either way, but I do feel good about where we are going.

So, with little time that has passed, we have began educating ourselves on the country.  Some things we have learned are; 1) Savannah's soccer club, Pride, has a coach from there! 2) much of the country speaks English and many Ugandans have American first names 3) "God Grew Tired of Us" and "War Dance" are excellent documentaries if you want to give your family a reality check (we own one of them now and I'd love to loan it out). 

Probably the scariest thing so far for me has been finding out last night that the Tax Deduction we were expecting to use could possibly not be available past this year. In 2001, Congress passed the EGTRRA bill (Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act) that increased the credit for special needs adoption and gave a credit for non special needs adoption. It will sunset the last day of this year unless another bill is passed for extension.  My heart can't imagine with the economy and tax deductions they have added lately, and now the Haiti crisis, that congress won't renew it. But. One never knows what the government will do. Please pray for this. I know in my heart that God will take care of us regardless, but there are many other families that don't have that faith and will never pursue adoption without the added finance cushion.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

YAY!!! Uganda. Love it. This is gonna be such an exciting year!!! Can't wait to meet her.