James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Friday, July 8, 2011

VISA Approval!

We received an email from the embassy in the afternoon yesterday (July 7th) that said Amaya had Visa approval and that we could pick it up...........tomorrow, July 8th. Ouch, they really don't like to give notice but who cares!!!!!!!!!at this point!!!!!
So I spent all day researching tickets. I basically had way too many choices. My neighbor works for American Airlines so we had the opportunity to do some stand by to save some dollars. Combining that or using that alone or on and on. Turns out we could get to Accra and back to London pretty safe, but high probability of getting stuck there a bit on the way home. I think by then we will be so anxious to be here that in the end I just bought the tickets outright :(  After many....way too many...hours of researching all the options, we are leaving tomorrow (Saturday). It will take a day to get there so hopefully we will be reunited by Sunday. Savannah is going and soooooo excited. Was kinda mad we didn't leave today but I told her I just have so many tasks. Even though we've been ready, there are always so many last minute things to throw in place! We will be gone now for Savannah's b-day but she is planning on celebrating in Africa so who cares, right? Our return flight is scheduled in on Monday, the 18th at 8:37pm.

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