James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Sunday- another day of leisure hanging around the hotel. After breakfast and having a nice time with the caregiver ladies (they make our breakfast and clean the rooms) we decided to try swimming. She loves to be around the water, put her legs in it, and even through her new "fish" in it. However, when it came time to get in she was not having any part of it. Actually the first time Glenn brought her in the water, we couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying. It continued for one minute until we brought her out. One more time and then it was obvious she was now crying. I think really not understanding any of this water thing. There is no clog in the bathtub so she has only been using the sprayer to take showers and has not taken an actual bath. Maybe that will help.
We have discovered she needs naps so an afternoon of sleeping and then off to Southern Fried Chicken for our big meal of the day. We invited the only housekeeper left today, Hagar, to go with us. It was very nice and she said it was her first time there. Afterwards she invited us to see the part of town she lives in so we took a cab to Osu, which is pretty close to the ocean. Frankies is a popular restaurant/ice cream place and you can sit out front and watch a busy street. It was a nice ending to the day.....and then, all the sudden as if it were Colorado, the wind and rain came in. We grabbed a cab and it started to rain even harder. As our adventures with cabs go, the wipers didn't work. I have no idea how that man got us home as I couldn't see ANYTHING out the windows.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aloha Lori, Glenn & Emm...

Thank you for another nice update on your Sunday. The swimming pool episode is funny but understandable. It is a pretty big bathtub for a little girl who has probably never been in one before. Her new brothers and sister will take care of that when she gets home. It is wonderful you included Hagar and you were rewarded for it. It is obvious how God is blessing you all and we have our Lihue congregation praying the US Embassy will shorten your separation and that our Lord Jesus will take down any barriers to help the visa along.
Trust God to work out your Monday and Tuesday. I love you all, Dad/G'Pa Ray