James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thursday- Savannah's birthday!

Today was Savannah's birthday. We didn't actually go anywhere today though. We are now at Big Milly's Backyard. It was recommended to us by an adoption friend that had stayed here for 2 months straight! It's actually not that far from Accra, but with traffic will take us 2 hours to get back close to the airport. Big Milly's is right on the ocean. It's a little compound...once the security (very nice man that greets everyone) let's you in, you see all these cute little huts/buildings that bring you to a nice tropical place. You don't realize you are surrounded so much by poverty unless you are awake on the drive in--which you will be because the roads are so bad you can only go 2-5 miles an hour to dodge the holes. The restaurant is right off the ocean so we were in amazement when we went for breakfast and had a front row seat to the Ghanaian fisherman bringing in their boats and the activities that surround this. I could write for hours. There is a an upper level in the bar like cabana that we sat at for hours because we could see down the beach a bit too. They young men (and some children), spend hours and hours unraveling the nets to reveal the catch. The restaurant buys their fish but only from the ladies (always a middle man). They are not to approach the boats and offer to buy. So as the steps from the beach to inside the villages grow, so does the price. The women first are making food and selling food (the support for the fisherman I guess), but then you'll see some of them carrying off fish in large bowls on their heads walking into the village. There are many children hanging around and I imagine not going to school.
We really just watched the activities for the entire day! For dinner, we surprised Savannah by "ordering" a cake ahead of time. The cook (we met him and what a wonderful guy from the Volta region up north) made it and after being unsure what kind of cake we would actually get, were surprised that it was pretty good.

1 comment:

Dad/G'Pa Ray said...

That is a wonderful description of the Big Milly's BAckyard and clears up what we see in your pictures. So glad you had a wonderful last couple of days. Happy Birthday Savannah!!! Love you all, Dad