James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Monday, April 25, 2011

update on finances

If you look to the right top of this blog, there is a link to the site on costs. We want to be very forthcoming. Since we are only bringing one child home now, I changed the figures to reflect that.
To date we have accumulated $22,971 in costs. My mom and dad have assisted us tremendously with monetary gifts and loans (thanks!). We continue to need approximately $10,000 more before we bring her home ($3,600 in agency fees and approx $5500-7000? in travel fees), on top of the loans we already have.

To date we have received $3,482 in donations. Thank you all so so much for helping get her here. When you meet her you will know how worth it to contribute to something so life changing. Obviously we still need lots of help so I'm thinking of t-shirts, butter braids, or a dinner/auction?? Anyone have suggestions or time on their hands to help me?

Look for an entry very soon on what you can do to help as we go back. We'd like to take a ton of stuff to donate (it doesn't all have to be new) and I am starting to compile a list.

1 comment:

Hannah Leake Mitchell said...


If I can help you put anything together I would be happy to. Have you ever tried doing a big yard sale- having people donate their gently-used to sell? Or a spaghetti dinner maybe you could put on at your church? Please let me know if I can help.